Ram Cheran Teja, son of Tollywood superstar Chiranjeevi shot to fame with his debut flick Chirutha. His recent release Magadheera has witnessed grand success with huge collections of Rs.20Crores within first week. Director Raja Mouli has now decided to try his luck with Tamil version as well. Both producer Allu Aravind of Geetha Arts and Raja Mouli have dubbed the film in Tamil and plan to release it in September.
The film dates back to 16th century where Kalabharaiva (Ram Charan Teja), a warrior general and queen Mitra (Kajal) are in Love. But Randev (Devgill), Mitra’s relative lusts for her and with his evil plans separates both of them. But unexpectedly, he dies and the episode ends there. The story fast-forwards to present situation with Harsha (Ram Charan Teja himself), an avid biker leading a happy life. But once, Harsha meets Indu (Kajal), he feels there’s some sort of link between them. But again, Randev reborn as Indu’s relative turns up to worsen the situation.
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