So many Telugu movies released in the USA, but very less number of movies are able make their way to the success. Pawan Kalyan starrer Jalsa had earlier created a record by earning Rs 1.5 crore in first week in USA. Now, Ram Charan Teja-Kajal Agarwal starrer Magadheera is set to create new record in the USA Market with the collection of Rs. 2.5 crore in the very first week.
Supreme Raju had bought the overseas rights of director SS Rajamouli's Magadheera and released it with 25 overseas prints in 40 locations. Speaking at a press meet at the Film Nagar Cultural Centre in Hyderabad on Friday, Supreme Raju had said that Magadheera was the first Telugu film to be released with 25 prints overseas."
Magadheera has been produced by Allu Arvind under the banner of Geeta Arts with a whopping budget of Rs. 35 crores. "According to the trde pundits in USA, there could be an easy collection of Rs 1.75 Cr by the end of first week for the film. The film is getting positive response from all corners of the United States of America. The positive talk that is in spread is laying red carpet for the movie on a whole," reports
However, the movie Magadheera set up a new record inside the country also. The movie has recorded a collection of Rs 8 crores in the first four days in Naizam area. This happens to be a new record in that area. So far, the movie Pokiri has been the highest with its collections of Rs 40 crores. Now, Magadheera’ is said to be aiming for Rs 100 crores.
Blog Archive
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